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How do you measure software usage?

For over 35 years we have helped organizations around the world save money on software license expenses. Gain transparency and complete visibility into all software usage throughout your entire organization. Know what software is being used, how it is being used and if it is being used on all desktops regardless of connectivity.



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Software Asset Management checklist (PDF)


You will know what is installed and where

The first step to managing your software licenses is to know what is installed and where. SofTrack Managed Assets provides a simple, zero-configuration workstation agent that provides a complete application inventory. You will quickly know what software is installed on each workstation including discovery of applications based on usage.

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Realize where software is being used and how

Once you know what your software estate is comprised of, knowing how it is being engaged is critical to determining need. SofTrack Managed Assets, via a simple, zero-configuration workstation agent, automatically watches and records all software usage by each user. You will quickly know when and how your software assets are being utilized including applications with no usage.

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Application Camping?

Know how your applications are being engaged

Building on SofTrack Managed Assets abilities to automatically monitor all application usage and Page Titles viewed is the Application Camping Report.

This unique and beneficial report provides a utilization summary overview of each application and its usage per user at each desktop. Insights provided by the Application Camping Report will help you justify software license expenditures.

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Cracked Applications?

Vendor Audits and cracked applications

Vendor Audits that discover unlicensed software usage can be expensive. Prevent license violation fines with SofTrack Managed Assets (SMA). By automatically detecting digital certificate status of each application engaged, you will know if any application has a cracked digital certificate. Typically a cracked digital certificate is found when a user downloads a cracked application from a source other than the original application vendor (common reason is to avoid purchasing a license).

SofTrack Managed Assets performs a cryptography validation that does not report cracked applications to the original vendor giving you the ability to resolve the problem before it becomes a serious problem with the vendor. Additionally, SMA will also report every application engaged that does not have a digital certificate.

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