Controlling Bentley® Usage
Providing unparalleled Bentley® usage control and reporting
Automatically detects activation of all Bentley® license codes
Controls simultaneous launches of Bentley® licenses
Controls usage per Bentley® requirements, per 10-minute period, including optional minimum usage time periods
Supports Bentley® E365 daily usage reset by providing Timed Termination based on UTC+0 and UTC+12
Provides required product usage reporting to comply with Bentley® E365 Audit Requirements found in
section 2.3 of Bentley's General Terms and Conditions (click here to view)
Blocks unwanted usage, both online and offline, prevents uncontrolled usage
Enables tracking and control by Bentley® license code(s)
Includes feature codes (e.g. pipes, inlets, ponds, rail counts)
Practitioner license usage, enabling separate tracking and control
Warns of idle usage and will alert administrator, can optionally terminate idle usage
Cloud-hosting is fully supported on any cloud platform you choose
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