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What is Software Metering?

What is software metering?

Primarily, software metering is defined as the act of controlling software use by the number of specific nodes (workstations where a single user is logged on and terminal server sessions) that are simultaneously using a specific application. Such applications are typically executable files (versus browser-based applications) and for purposes of this definition, they are Windows® applications. An application is defined by its filename, or for an application suite, is defined by use of any application within the suite (such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Cloud both of which use named-user licenses). The goal of software metering is to reduce licensing costs for the user by restricting concurrent access to the application to no more "copies" (licenses) than have been purchased. As an example, you may have a network of 830 workstations but only 150 licenses to Application N. Unless Application N has built-in metering, you must ensure that Application N's simultaneous use is absolutely limited to no more than what is owned. SofTrack's software metering provides a solution to this problem. Specifically, active software metering provides control of application use.

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Active versus Passive software metering

SofTrack provides active and passive software metering. Active software metering occurs when a user is specifically denied use of a metered application. SofTrack's local workstation agent intercepts attempts to use an application and if no license is available blocks use of that application. When SofTrack stops an application's use a system message is presented to the user indicating what has occurred. If defined, SofTrack can automatically place the user in a queue and notify them when a license becomes available. After notification the license is exclusively held for that user until a configurable time limit (one to thirty minutes) transpires. Passive software metering occurs when application use is simply recorded and no control is asserted over maintaining a maximum concurrent usage level. SofTrack provides administrative alerts when user configured usage levels are reached. For instance, you have defined an application for passive metering and set an alert level at 150 concurrent uses. When this level is reached, SofTrack sends out an alert to adminstrative users. SofTrack provides full reporting for both actively and passively metered applications.

Why do I need SofTrack if my application includes built-in metering?

SofTrack's passive software metering will provide full use reporting that is not normally provided by built-in metering tools. For instance, you may own 12 licenses of an application using built-in metering but no reporting of use over time is available. In addition to full reporting of application use that can include idle time versus active application time, SofTrack can alert administrative users when preconfigured usage levels are reached. Lastly, SofTrack's timekeeping function can provide additional insight of application use that is not available with any other general software metering solution.

My licenses are all node-locked, how is SofTrack's software metering useful?

SofTrack's smart inventory reporting can provide insight into how often your node-locked applications are used. Because almost no node-locked (or single-user) applications provide any reporting of usage, you need SofTrack to help you understand application use. When you know how your node-locked applications are being used you can make educated assessments of how many licenses to renew in the next budget cycle. SofTrack's reporting of your node-locked applications can also reveal licensing violations such as exposing where such applications are installed . If the number of application installations (by workstation) found exceeds your legal limit you will become aware of this situation and can make a choice of purchasing more licenses or removing excess installations. And, as with applications with built-in metering (previous section) SofTrack will provide full reporting of application use that can include idle time versus active application time, SofTrack can alert administrative users when preconfigured usage levels are reached. And, SofTrack's timekeeping function can provide additional insight of application use that is not available with any other general software metering solution.