SofTrack includes a Windows® workstation agent that can be easily configured to track local workstation logon and logoff activities. This same agent can be used to track logon and logoff activities for terminal sessions including Citrix®.
Configure Continuously Updated Web-Ready Workstation Availability
SofTrack's unique Windows® workstation agent technology provides a low overhead mechanism to track your users' connection activities.
When you use SofTrack's Automatic Workstation Availability reporting you can choose from several customizations:
- >Web-Ready HTML Output
- >Import-Ready CSV Output
- >Update Frequency
- >Group Workstations as needed
- >Optionally include your custom logo
- >Summary Output
- >Link each Summary Record to its details
The following image shows your available configuration options:
Workstation Groups (Profiles)
SofTrack includes the ability to utilization your Active Directory groups to identify related workstations. You can also use manually entered workstation names.
By allowing you to group workstations your reporting becomes more useful and powerful.
Each record shown in the Summary image below is based upon a
Workstation Profile.
Workstation Availability Summary

In the image shown above, notice each row is provided a highlight color. The colors used include:
- >Green: More than 50% available
- >Orange: Less than 50% available
- >Red: No availability
Each record can be defined to be clickable to link to a detail screen showing the status of each workstation within that grouping.
Workstation Availability Detail

In the image shown above, notice each row is provided a status icon and indication. The status options include:
- >Green: Available, last reported in past 30 minutes
- >Blue: Offline/Asleep, last reported more than 30 minutes ago
- >Red: In-Use, last reported in past 30 minutes
The image above shows two additional and optional columns:
- >Operating System
- >Resolution of Primary Monitor
These optional data are obtained via SofTrack's
Quick Inventory functionality.